Sunday, January 30, 2011

McCaskey story goes far, wide Homeroom mentoring for blacks draw national, even international debate.

"Antiquated, offensive and completely irrational," Fox News' Sean Hannity charged.

The Huffington Post declared, "Pennsylvania's McCaskey East High School has come up with a controversial plan to help the school's black students: to segregate them."

There it was: the "S" word.

It would be repeated again and again — much to the chagrin of School District of Lancaster officials — as news of the city high school's effort to boost black student achievement with single-sex, all-black homerooms and black mentors went "viral" last week, appearing on websites and cable news, in tweets and on blogs.

The story first appeared Monday on the front page of the Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era and on, complete with video filmed at the school.

By Tuesday, the work of veteran education reporter Brian Wallace was all over the Internet, from the Drudge Report to the United Kingdom's Daily Mail website. (Regional Fox, CBS and NBC TV affiliates and the Philadelphia Inquirer eventually filed their own reports on the controversial new program.)

A statement from the School District of Lancaster on the website, read: "The intent of mentoring at McCaskey High School is to build strong teacher and student relations, not separate students by race. The high school is disappointed by the negative perception and focus on single racial composition programming."

For his part, Wallace, the original reporter, admitted he was "a little surprised by the attention, but not that people had strong opinions" about the program. (He's been stopped in the street by readers offering him their take on it.)

It did seem to him that it was "a bigger deal to other people" than it was to those in this community. Wallace likened the phenomenon to the widespread — and also largely negative — attention focused on Lancaster city's security cameras a couple of years ago.

Asked about the publicity, SDoL Superintendent Pedro Rivera, issued this statement Saturday:

"The media attention has been trying-— a mix of responsible journalism and sensationalism. The genuine conversations about urban education and struggling students are welcome. The real story, though, is the teachers' amazing commitment to transforming lives. Ultimately what matters is our students, and that our community knows we'll continue to do the most we can for our kids."

Local NAACP support

Some observers recognized the mentoring program's good intentions, but more decried the setup. National/international reaction was generally more negative than the local response, with the local NAACP chapter and a prominent local black minister who is a McCaskey alumnus voicing qualified support.

On CNN, Pedro Noguera, a New York University professor who is black, worried that the sessions organized by black teachers for black 11th-graders — six minutes daily supplemented with two 20-minute sessions monthly — would be "stigmatizing" and "inadvertently reinforce stereotypes."

On Hannity's panel, Michael Meyers, a black man associated with the New York Civil Rights Coalition, was more forceful in his disapproval: "In America we no longer have colored sections," he said.

His opposing panelist, Fox News contributor Deneen Borelli, a black woman, defended the program.

As did the Rev. Louis Butcher Jr., pastor of Bright Side Baptist Church in Lancaster. "It's not a bad idea. It's not a reinstitution of segregation at all," he said Saturday. The school and the teachers are trying to "help students deal with challenges unique to their culture."

Moreover, "it is led by teachers who really have a heart for their students, and that is encouraging and admirable," Butcher added.

He said the word of it might have been rolled out earlier to parents and the community to prevent any misunderstanding.

The Lancaster Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people and its president, Blanding Watson, also weighed in on the side of the school district and the program.

"The relationship between adult mentors and students strengthens the shared societal values and principles of achievement, goal oriented vision and productive citizenship," his statement said, in part. "Let us pull together and recognize hope, achievement and the values that keep us together as a nation. Let us recognize the role of the mentoring program and the School District of Lancaster," it concluded.

Principal Bill Jimenez issued this own statement Saturday:

"All of our students deserve the kind of energy and guidance these teachers have shown with this mentoring initiative to help them. But we failed to think through the broader implications, and though it's a voluntary program, we're going to step back, get input, make adjustments, and invite the community to partner with us as mentors."

In a Philadelphia Inquirer article by Kathy Boccella, SDoL board President Richard Caplan, an attorney, was quoted as saying that from now on the program is going to be "race-neutral."

"We're going to offer it to everybody ... to eliminate an image of impropriety," he said in that article, adding that the district did not want "a civil rights lawsuit by a disgruntled white person or Latino."

The public is invited to discuss the mentoring program at the 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb.1, meeting of the SDoL Board's Public Engagement Committee at the school, 1051 Lehigh Ave.

Jo-Ann Greene is a Sunday News staff writer. Contact her at

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Force still 'the best option' in Côte d'Ivoire

It is an accurate statement that democracy has been assassinated in Côte d'Ivoire. Africa has been experiencing such hooliganism by incumbent presidents for far too long. The vanguished are helpless and left alone with very little means and capacity to assume power when the loser assumes the Presidency. What makes it hard for African countries to take decisive action against illegitimate presidents is that the majority of current crop of African leaders are just as guilty of having come to power through crooked means, either by rigged elections or by military power to legitimize their position.

The so called strong-man of Ivory Coast has been holding on to power that he does not deserve. He lost elections and there is no justification for his continued hang on to power. It is clear that African countries lack goodwill and commitment to strengthening democracy and miserably failed to intervene. At the moment Alassane Ouattara appears to be alone in the sense that the majority of African leaders are merely paying lip-service. The longer the standoff lasts, chances of removing the illegal president from office get slim. Losing incumbents must not be given a platform for negotiations. A military is the must be used as the only non-negotiable option when a losing incumbent refuses to relinguish power such as the case is with Laurent Gbagbo.

The fiasco that has unfolded in Ivory Coast bares similarities to what happened in Zimbabwe when the opposition won the elections but Mugabe refused to step down. However, due to opposition's desperation and probably because of their hunger for power allowed Mugabe to bulldoze them until they accepted power sharing. How does one in their right sense accept power sharing with a losing incumbent or party. Such occurrences are becoming common in Africa where greed is the order of the day. It's a wonder how long Ouattara will continue to reject overtures for power sharing with Gbagbo given the lack of resolve from the rest of Africa to support him. Africa needs to turn a new page and adopt uprightness in the manner in which politics are run.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Referendum for Sudan, Requiem for Africa

Alemayehu G. Mariam.Professor of political science, CSU San Bernardino
Posted: January 19, 2011 12:25 PM

Sudan's Best and Worst of Times

It is the best of times in the Sudan. It is the worst of times in the Sudan. It is the happiest day in the Sudan. It is the saddest day in the Sudan. It is referendum for the Sudan. It is requiem for Africa.

South Sudan just finished voting in a referendum, part of a deal made in 2005 to end a civil war that dates back over one-half century. The Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC) says the final results will be announced on February 14; but no one really believes there will be one united Sudan by July 2011. By then, South Sudan will be Africa's newest state.

In a recent speech at Khartoum University, Thabo Mbeki, former South African president and Chairperson of the African Union High-level Implementation Panel on Sudan, alluded to the causes of the current breakup of the Sudan: "As all of us know, a year ahead of your independence, in 1955, a rebellion broke out in Southern Sudan. The essential reason for the rebellion was that your compatriots in the South saw the impending independence as a threat to them, which they elected to oppose by resorting to the weapons of war." There is a lot more to the South Sudanese "rebellion" than a delayed rendezvous with the legacy of British colonialism. In some ways it could be argued that the "imperfect" decolonization of the Sudan, which did not necessarily follow the boundaries of ethnic and linguistic group settlement, led to decades of conflict and civil wars and the current breakup.

Many of the problems leading to the referendum are also rooted in post-independence Sudanese history -- irreconcilable religious differences, economic exploitation and discrimination. The central Sudanese government's imposition of "Arabism" and "Islamism" (sharia law) on the South Sudanese and rampant discrimination against them are said to be a sustaining cause of the civil war. South Sudan is believed to hold much of the potential wealth of the Sudan including oil. Yet the majority of South Sudanese people languished in abject poverty for decades, while their northern compatriots benefited disproportionately.

Whether the people of South Sudan will secede and form their own state is a question only they can decide. They certainly have the legal right under international law to self-determination, a principle enshrined in the U.N. Charter. Their vote will be the final word on the issue. The focus now is on what is likely to happen after South Sudan becomes independent. Those who seem to be in the know sound optimistic. Mbeki says, "Both the Government of Sudan and the SPLM have made the solemn and vitally important commitment that should the people of South Sudan vote for secession, they will work to ensure the emergence and peaceful coexistence of two viable states." The tea leaves readers and pundits are predicting doom and gloom. They say the Sudan will be transformed into a hardline theocratic state ruled under sharia law. There will be renewed violence in Darfur, South Kurdofan and Eastern Sudan. There will be endless civil wars that will cause more deaths and destruction according to the modern day seers.

To some extent, the pessimism over Sudan's future may have some merit. Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir's told The New York Times recently about his post-secession plans: "We'll change the Constitution. Shariah and Islam will be the main source for the Constitution, Islam the official religion and Arabic the official language." Bashir's plan goes beyond establishing a theocratic state. There will be no tolerance of diversity of any kind in Bashir's "new Sudan". He says, "If South Sudan secedes, we will change the Constitution, and at that time there will be no time to speak of diversity of culture and ethnicity." Bashir's warning is not only shocking but deeply troubling. The message undoubtedly will cause great alarm among secularists, Southern Sudanese living in the north who voted for unity and Sudanese of different faiths, viewpoints, beliefs and ideologies. In post-secession Sudan, diversity, tolerance, compromise and reconciliation will be crimes against the state. It is all eerily reminiscent of the ideas of another guy who 70 years ago talked about "organic unity" and the "common welfare of the Volk". Sudanese opposition leaders are issuing their own ultimata. Sadiq al-Mahdi, leader of the Umma Party, issued a demand for a new constitution and elections; in the alternative, he promised to work for the overthrow of Bashir's regime. Other opposition leaders seem to be following along the same line. There is a rocky road ahead for the Sudan, both south and north.

From Pan-Africanism to Afro-Fascism?

The outcome of the South Sudanese referendum is not in doubt, but where Africa is headed in the second decade of the 21st Century is very much in doubt. Last week, Tunisian dictator Ben Ali packed up and left after 23 years of corrupt dictatorial rule. President Obama "applauded the courage and dignity of the Tunisian people" in driving out the dictator. Ivory Coast's Laurent Gbagbo is still holed up in Abidjan taunting U.N. peacekeepers and playing round-robin with various African leaders. Over in the Horn of Africa, Meles Zenawi is carting off businessmen and merchants to jail for allegedly price-gouging the public and economic sabotage. What in the world is happening to Africa?

When African countries cast off the yoke of colonialism, their future seemed bright and limitless. Independence leaders thought in terms of Pan-Africanism and the political and economic unification of native Africans and those of African heritage into a "global African community". Pan-Africanism represented a return to African values and traditions in the struggle against neo-colonialism, imperialism, racism and the rest of it. Its core value was the unity of all African peoples.

The founding fathers of post-independence Africa all believed in the dream of African unity. Ethiopia's H.I.M. Haile Selassie, Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah, Kenya's Jomo Kenyatta, Tanzania's Julius Nyerere, Guinea's Ahmed Sékou Touré, Zambia's Kenneth Kaunda and Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser were all declared Pan-Africanists. On the occasion of the establishment of the permanent headquarters of the Organization for African Unity (OAU) in Addis Ababa on May 25, 1963, H.I.M. Haile Selassie made the most compelling case for African unity:

We look to the vision of an Africa not merely free but united. In facing this new challenge, we can take comfort and encouragement from the lessons of the past. We know that there are differences among us. Africans enjoy different cultures, distinctive values, special attributes. But we also know that unity can be and has been attained among men of the most disparate origins, that differences of race, of religion, of culture, of tradition, are no insuperable obstacle to the coming together of peoples. History teaches us that unity is strength, and cautions us to submerge and overcome our differences in the quest for common goals, to strive, with all our combined strength, for the path to true African brotherhood and unity... Our efforts as free men must be to establish new relationships, devoid of any resentment and hostility, restored to our belief and faith in ourselves as individuals, dealing on a basis of equality with other equally free peoples.

Pan-Africanism is dead. A new ideology today is sweeping over Africa. Africa's home grown dictators are furiously beating the drums of "tribal nationalism" all over the continent to cling to power. In many parts of Africa today ideologies of "ethnic identity", "ethnic purity," "ethnic homelands", ethnic cleansing and tribal chauvinism have become fashionable. In Ivory Coast, an ideological war has been waged over 'Ivoirité ('Ivorian-ness') since the 1990s. Proponents of this perverted ideology argue that the country's problems are rooted in the contamination of genuine Ivorian identity by outsiders who have been allowed to freely immigrate into the country. Immigrants, even those who have been there for generations, and refugees from the neighboring countries including Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinea and Liberia are singled out and blamed for the country's problems and persecuted. Professor Gbagbo even tried to tar and feather the winner of the recent election Alassane Ouattara (whose father is allegedly Burkinabe) as a not having true Ivorian identity. Gbagbo has used religion to divide Ivorians regionally into north and south.

In Ethiopia, tribal politics has been repackaged in a fancy wrapper called "ethnic federalism." Zenawi has segregated the Ethiopian people by ethno-tribal classification like cattle in grotesque regional political units called "kilils" (reservations) or glorified apartheid-style Bantustans or tribal homelands. This sinister perversion of the concept of federalism has enabled a few cunning dictators to oppress, divide and rule some 80 million people for nearly two decades. South of the border in Kenya, in the aftermath of the 2007 elections, over 600 thousand Kenyans were displaced as a result of ethnic motivated hatred and violence. Over 1,500 were massacred. Kenya continues to arrest and detain untold numbers of Ethiopian refugees that have fled the dictatorship of Meles Zenawi. What more can be said about Rwanda that has not already been said.

It is not only the worst-governed African countries that are having problems with "Africanity". South Africa has been skating on the slippery slope of xenophobia. Immigrants from Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Ethiopia have been attacked by mobs. According to a study by the Southern African Migration Project (SAMP): "The ANC government - in its attempts to overcome the divides of the past and build new forms of social cohesion... embarked on an aggressive and inclusive nation-building project. One unanticipated by-product of this project has been a growth in intolerance towards outsiders... Violence against foreign citizens and African refugees has become increasingly common and communities are divided by hostility and suspicion." Among the member countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), South Africans expressed the harshest and most punitive anti-foreigner sentiments in the study. How ironic for a country that was under apartheid less than two decades ago.

Whether it is the "kilil" ideology practiced in Ethiopia or the "Ivorite" of Ivory Coast, the central aim of these weird ideologies is to enable power hungry and bloodthirsty African dictators to cling to power by dividing Africans along ethnic, linguistic, tribal, racial and religious lines. Fellow Africans are foreigners to be arrested, jailed, displaced, deported and blamed for whatever goes wrong under the watch of the dictators. The old Pan-African ideas of common African history, suffering, struggle, heritage and legacy are gone. There is no unifying sense African brotherhood or sisterhood. Africa's contemporary leaders, or more appropriately, hyenas in designer suits and uniforms, have made Africans strangers to each other and rendered Africa a "dog-eat-dog" continent.

In 2009, in Accra, Ghana, President Obama blasted identity politics as a canker in the African body politics:

We all have many identities -- of tribe and ethnicity; of religion and nationality. But defining oneself in opposition to someone who belongs to a different tribe, or who worships a different prophet, has no place in the 21st century... In my father's life, it was partly tribalism and patronage in an independent Kenya that for a long stretch derailed his career, and we know that this kind of corruption is a daily fact of life for far too many.

For what little it is worth, for the last few years I have preached from my cyber soapbox against those in Africa who have used the politics of ethnicity to cling to power. I firmly believe that our humanity is more important than our ethnicity, nationality, sovereignty or even Africanity! As an unreformed Pan-Africanist, I also believe that Africans are not prisoners to be kept behind tribal walls, ethnic enclaves, Ivorite, kilils, Bantustans, apartheid or whatever divisive and repressive ideology is manufactured by dictators, but free men and women who are captains of their destines in one un-walled Africa that belongs to all equally. "Tear down the walls of tribalism and ethnicity in Africa," I say.

It is necessary to come up with a counter-ideology to withstand the rising tide of Afro-Fascism. Perhaps we can learn from Archbishop Desmond Tutu's ideas of "Ubuntu", the essence of being human. Tutu explained: "A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed." I believe "Ubuntu" provides a sound philosophical basis for the development of a human rights culture for the African continent based on a common African belief of "belonging to a greater whole." To this end, Tutu taught, "Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." More specifically, Africa.

"Afri-Cans" and "Afri-Cannots"

As for South Sudan, the future holds many dangers and opportunities. Africans have fought their way out of colonialism and become independent. Some have seceded from the post-independence states, but it is questionable if they have succeeded. How many African countries are better off today than they were prior to independence? Before secession? As the old saying goes: "Be careful what you wish for. You may receive it." We wish the people of South and North Sudan a future of hope, peace, prosperity and reconciliation.

I am no longer sure if Afri-Cans are able to "unite for the benefit of their people", as Bob Marley pleaded. But I am sure that Afri-Cannot continue to have tribal wars, ethnic domination, corruption, inflation and repression as Fela Kuti warned, and expect to be viable in the second decade of the Twenty-First Century. In 1963, H.I.M. Haile Selassie reminded his colleagues:

Today, Africa has emerged from this dark passage [of colonialism]. Our Armageddon is past. Africa has been reborn as a free continent and Africans have been reborn as free men... Those men who refused to accept the judgment passed upon them by the colonisers, who held unswervingly through the darkest hours to a vision of an Africa emancipated from political, economic, and spiritual domination, will be remembered and revered wherever Africans meet... Their deeds are written in history.

It is said that those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it. I am afraid Africa's Armageddon is yet to come. Africa has been re-enslaved by home grown dictators, and Africans have become prisoners of thugs, criminals, gangsters, fugitives and outlaws who have seized and cling to power like parasitic ticks on a milk cow. Cry for the beloved continent!

Early data, poll show Southern Sudan backing independence

By JasonBenham and Jeremy Clarke, Reuters

January 20, 2011, 12:50 am

JUBA, Sudan (Reuters) - South Sudanese have voted overwhelmingly to declare independence from the north in a referendum held last week, according to early figures and a Reuters survey of officials in nine of the region's 10 states.

Referendum officials reported on Wednesday that votes to secede approached 99 percent in some southern states and disapora communities in Egypt, Ethiopia and Kenya.

Southern leaders have urged people from the oil-producing territory to wait until official figures due in early February before celebrating, for fear of antagonising the north.

The figures are in line with expectations for the plebiscite, the climax of a 2005 peace deal that ended decades of north-south civil war.

Referendum officials told Reuters of large votes in favour of independence in the southern states of Central Equatoria, Unity, Lakes, Jonglei, Warrap, Western Bahr al-Ghazal, Northern Bahr al-Ghazal, Eastern Equatoria and Upper Nile.

Central Equatoria state, a territory that includes the southern capital Juba, reported 449,290 votes for separation and just 4,985 votes for unity.

Campaign banners in Juba described the vote as a "last march to freedom" after decades of war and perceived northern oppression. International observers this week said the vote was credible, removing another possible hurdle.


A total of 153,839 people voted for independence in Western Bahr al-Ghazal state, against 7,237 for continued unity with the north, the state's committee chairman Wol Madut Chan told Reuters.

Western Bahr al-Ghazal lies on the south's border with the north, neighbouring the strife-torn Darfur region. Its figures amounted to a 95 percent vote for separation, once spoilt and unmarked ballots were included.

In Lakes State, referendum committee chairman Michael Mabor Makuel Awur said preliminary figures were 227 people for continued unity with the north against 298,216 for separation -- or more than 99 percent.

Referendum officials in Eastern Equatoria and Upper Nile states said they were also heading towards a 99 percent vote for separation. Warrap, Northern Bahr al-Ghazal and Jonglei states released incomplete figures showing similar majorities.

Michael Moyil Chol, the chair of the referendum committee for oil-producing Unity state, which also borders the north, said: "So far it looks like more than 80 percent are in favour of independence."

Officials did not release figures or give any indications in the state of Western Equatoria.

(Writing by Andrew Heavens; editing by Noah Barkin)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lusaka Needs a Modern Airport

Aerial View of Lusaka Intl Airport
Come to think of it, the Lusaka International Airport has been standing and serving world travellers for 44 years. Over the years those of us and many other travellers who have been through the Airport have noticed what one would call cosmetic attempts to improve the way the structure looks. Let us face it, Zambia needs a modern airport to replace the nearly half-century old Lusaka International Airport

Intl Airport courtesy by Lusakagossip
Zambians are among the most widely travelled in the Southern Africa region and no one can pretend not to have been exposed to some of the best airport infrastructures in the world. Africa has some beautiful airports such as the Oliver R. Tambo International in Johannesburg, South Africa, the Ethiopia International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya, the Dar-es-salaam International Airport in Tanzania just to name a few. These few airport mentioned are no doubt several classes above the Lusaka International Airport. The Zambian leadership are constantly in and out of planes, flying through quality airports in different parts of the world. 

Addis Ababa Bole Intl Airport
The standard of the Lusaka International Airport remains dismal regardless of the exposure the Zambian leadership has had over several decades. The blame game cannot only be apportioned to the politicians but also civil servants that are responsible for planning must shoulder the blame. The current airport is credited to former President Kaunda.  What is wrong with this picture? As people of Zambia, we need to develop a sense of pride in the kind of infrastructural development that we are capable of. A look at the Airport’s parking ticket booth conjures images of those shacks built by illegal land grabbers in high density areas of Zambia. It is clear that there was no absolutely no thinking whatsoever in the construction of the ticket Booth. It appears that the National Airports Corporation of Zambia has no serious management to allow such a building. This is arrested development. It is ridiculous and a shame that the country should continue suffering from arrested development.

There is only a handful of infrastructure in the country that a Zambia can truly pride in. Given this scenario, there is urgent need for fresh ideas among City Planners, Architects and Engineers to change the way Zambia is viewed by visitors.    

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Everyone must be Accountable

This year every Zambian must stand up and support the opposition in the fight against MMD and its band of thieves. It is shameful and agonizing to see so many that have stolen Zambian public funds align themselves with RB. A leader that accepts thieves and money launderers openly as RB has shown, his actions expose his true nature. This year, like 1991, must be a decisive year when Zambians must go the polls with a single-minded purpose to remove the MMD from power. Against this background, every Vote must be jealously protected from those bent on rigging. The MMD are fully aware that they will not win the 2011 General Elections without resorting to vote manipulation. Zambians must deal RB and his cohorts in MMD a fatal blow worse than one inflicted on UNIP in 1991. We urge every Zambians to be as vigilant and not be tolerant against machinery designed to rig elections.

Can we not, for a change, aim at accruing wealth legitimately? That desire for quick and overnight and instant wealth is so paralyzing in the minds of many in the country such that all they dream about when they go to bed every night is how to embezzle funds. It seems that many people now specialize in planning how to steal public funds undetected. Underground cartels are so entrenched that it is hard to tell who is involved and who is not. It is clear that many people are involved in the scourge to ensure that everyone that knows about the scum keeps their mouths shut. However, honest and innocent Zambians are in the majority and we hope that all these people will rally behind the opposition to wrestle power from a crooked system of government. It is our hope that when the opposition comes to power this year, they will play by the rules and ensure that cases against FJT and his wife, Xavier Chungu and many others that escaped jail time by virtue of what appeared to be judicial interferences by MMD leadership are reopened.