Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Do Unrests in Arab Countries have Implications for Black Africa

Unrest that started in Tunisian has now spread far and wide. Egypt is embroiled in similar struggle as was in Tunisia. The Tunisian demonstrations were by far more violent compared to the ongoing Egyptian protests. The Tunisian 23 year president Ben Ali was forced to flee to Saudi Arabia while his billionaire brother escaped to Canada. Unrest is being reported in other Arab nations like Jordan and Yemen.

These Arab countries are fare economically better than the majority of Black African countries. However, their citizens are demanding for better conditions that include improving the economies and governance. In sharp contrast, Black African countries wallow in much worse economic conditions and governance is nothing to sing home about. The leadership in the majority of Black African countries is inept, corrupt and lack leadership qualities. Elections in most of these Black Africa countries are fraught with rigging and basically far from ever being fair.

The most amazing thing about Black Africa is that the people always wear smiles on their faces even when they can hardly have a single meal in their stomachs. Does such smiles send wrong messages to the leadership or governments? This is excatly what Arabs have resoundingly rejected and they are now asking for major changes in their governments. Surprisingly enough, Black Africans do not seem to see anything wrong with the manner in which their government continue to abuse them and ignore their economic plight. It would have made more sense if ongoing protests started in Black African countries. Will Black Africans countinue to sit on their fences and not emulate their counterparts in North Africa? Or will will they be emboldened to start asking for better systems in their own impoverished countries? This remains to be seen if they ever take a leaf from what is currently going on Egypt and other Arab countries.