This year Earth Day falls on April 22, 2010. However, for the convenience of Lancaster community Dart will commemorate the Earth day on Saturday, April 17, 2010. In Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the day will be observed by various environmental conscious organizations. Dart Container Corporation in Lancaster is aggressively pursuing and promoting environmental consciousness and awareness.
Dart Container Corporation of Pennsylvania is the leading manufacturer of plastic and foam products for the food service industry. Products such as foam cups and plates are widely used at popular fast food service places such as McDonald, and Dunkin’ Donut just to name a few.
Dart owns two drop-off locations, one in Lancaster at its Pitney Road site and the other at its Leola plant. There is also a growing number of companies that have started dropping off truckloads of used foam at the Leola plant for recycling. The end product of the recycling process is a densified material that finds its use as raw material in the manufacture of video cassettes, picture frames and office trays.
Several invitations have been sent out to stakeholders and the community to come and be a part of Earth Day activities. A lot of activities are planned for the occasion such as plant tours, video show of the company history and its environmental efforts, two trucks will be onsite to help the local community bring their waste paper to be shredded for free. There will also be refreshments for all those who will attend the Earth Day occasion.
For more information on Dart’s recycling program visit:
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