Thursday, May 27, 2010

RB as Sole Candidate????

Here we go again! RB is the sole candidate? it MMD, is at it again. It sounds like all the MMD manoeuvres are being borrowed from the old UNIP trickery archives that kept super Ken on the throne for almost three decades. At this time and era, how can a civilized or uncivilized society allow one person to intimidate and manipulate the Party and its entire membership that he, alone, is the right person to run this country, a country that boasts of many educated citizens. No one can argue that UNIP is back in power, albeit through the back door. We don't expect politics to be any different now especially that the man at the helm is a staunch UNIPist. It's not surprising that he has even allowed back his "brother" William Banda, from their UNIP days, to act silly and be a public nuisance once again.

On RB's sole candidature, it is alleged that the provincial executive committee (PEC) petitioned the national executive committee to adopt RB as the sole candidate. Certainly, one does not expect very much or even a little from PEC, let alone from NEC. Look at the composition of PEC and NEC and you will understand the problem. It's a wonder what they have seen or see in that leadership that has failed to deliver on its promises since coming to power after the demise of Levy. One explanation may be the level of corruption in the system that makes each one of them feel that they owe support to RB so that, in return, he can shield them from prosecution over some the scandals they are inextricably wedged. There is definitely no sense or sensibility in the way they want to impose RB on the masses once again. We trust that the Almighty will listen to the cries and prayers of progressive Zambians to keep this man out of politics.

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