Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dambiso Moyo: Does the Zambian Government take her Serious?

Once in a long while comes a Zambian who exhibits incredible flare, moral and intellectual acumen relating to a specific area of specialization. Those who keep track of world economic news and fora have read about a Zambian prodigy, Dambiso Moyo. Lately, she has generated media frenzy and attention on account of the views she purveys in her controversial book, "Dead Aid". Among her arguments, which make sense, are that aid flow from the developed countries to impoverished developing African countries has not benefited the recipient countries. She points out that there is nothing to show for regardless of the trillion dollars in aid African countries have received since the 60s'. She argues that, if anything, the majority of the aid has ended up in personal private accounts or pockets. One would agree with her that the absennce of accountability with the donor aid funds renders the whole donor aid system ineffective and subjects aid funds to diabolical and obnoxious abuse by those in power and thus perpetuates financial impropriety.

Dambiso Moyo has been featured on many major cable channels of industrial countries and she is still inundated with invitations from various media. One of her recent very high profile engagement was with the Rwandan Government whose leader Paul Kagame, who appears sold on her ideas, is in total agreement with her courageous stance against provision of aid to Africa. Obviously, the Rwanda Government sees enormous potential in Dambiso and is keen on tapping the wealth of knowledge and experience that the Zambian intellectual offers. By virtue of the fact that she is a Zambian, one would expect the Zambian Government to be the first to invite her to explore how her knowledge and experience with major world financial organizations and systems could be exploited to enhance Zambia's economic development. This has not happened, though! However, it would be interesting to hear Government's position and its response to Dambiso's opposition to aid which she emphatically advocates an end to. Since the Zambian Government has made no attempts to approach her, the question would be whether the Government appreciates her intellect and expertise. How serious does the government take Dambiso? Does the government consider her statements as mere rants or just meaningless hot-air? It's common knowledge that any person who openly parades their oppostion to donor aid instantly becomes an enemy of the State. It is important to understand that because aid to African Governments has been a lifeline or source of revenue for most of the financially corrupt leaders, her position and call for the cessation of donor aid to Africa is a huge threat to the lifeline. Donor aid has to come to an end inasmuch as it is a disincentive to development and makes African governments complacent with the assumption that aid will always be availed to provide support.

One wonders why the Government has not taken steps to bring Dambiso into the fold and positively exploit her knowledge and useful experience to develop the country. It may be safe to assume that Government's silence on the issues she raises in her book implies the lack of appreciate of her knowledge and experience. This assumption ties in very well with one of the reasons that have lead to and continue to contribute to Zambia's brain-drain and why the majority of Zambian-born intellectuals now live and work in the Diaspora where they are highly appreciated and held in high esteem. 


  1. Have you even read the book "Dead Aid" yourself or you are just going by what others have said? Why should GRZ invite her? Should she offer solutions to here country's problems public on a take it or leave basis?

  2. Anonymous,
    Thank you. Just to point out that, in addition to reading her book, "Dead Aid", I also have some grounding in the economics of analyzing development projects. For a long time I have been of the opinion that Aid to African countries has not contributed to economic development in any way. It has only benefited those who've access to the funds in their personal capacities. The question is "Has there ever been any accountability to show whatever happens to donor funds?" The answer in the affirmative is NO!
    Solutions to problems are not made in public and I believe there is an appropriate forum for such engagements. But has the Government extended their invitation to her privately or overtly? No! There is growing concern among Diaspora Zambians, which Dambiso is a part, that there is need to engage Government on many economic and development issues to ensure that more pragmatic policies are formulated to enhance development.

  3. I think she is called Dambisa and not Dambiso..
