Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Nchito Brothers Must Go

So what's with the Nchito brothers after running aground their Zambian Airways outfit? The millions of dollars they are alleged to have received as loans from financial institutions are still unaccounted for. The two Nchitos are shameless and immoral and lack integrity. It remains a mystery why the Government has allowed them to continue prosecuting corruption cases when they themselves should be answering corruption charges. Therefore, their resignation from the Task Force Against Corruption is long overdue. By resigning on moral grounds, Dora Siliya has set precedence that the Nchito brothers can emulate. They must resign from their public assignments now to allow for smooth investigation into the circumstances that led to the collapse of their Airline. 


  1. Dora resigned because she was found guilty by a Tribunal of breaching the constitution. No court of law or legal agency has passed any judgement on the Nchito brothers. So my dear hold your fire!

  2. Seems like you don't who you are talking about. The Nchito brothers and Mmembe control Zambia. They are in charge and right now they are the untouchables! Believe it or not.

  3. What happened to Zambian Airways is totally unacceptable. Signs were clearly written on the walls that the Airline was undergoing a turbulent phase and there are still no explanations how the loans the Airline received from Banks were spent. As a matter of fact,the major shareholders of Zambian Airways have not cared to explain why they ran aground even with cash infusions. Accusations have been leveled against them which warrant and necessitate some investigations. Therefore, precedence must be set to ensure that such things do not recur. As Zambians, we have to be our own watchdog to ensure than funds are directed at more deserving projects.

  4. Anonymous,
    It's interesting to hear that the Nchito Brothers and M'membe are untouchable and literally running the show. What has made the the trio all too powerful and untouchable? Knowledge can make someone powerful. Chances are that, during the course of prosecuting corruption cases, they have landed information that may be too damaging against the authorities and hence the apparent fear on the part of government. Whatever case maybe, people with questionable integrity must not be assigned public responsibility.
